
Extracts were highly concentrated flavoring elements with an alcohol base.  When extracts were manufactured on a small scale, such as for a bottling plant, a percolator was used.  This was essentially a cylinder with a perforated, funnel-shaped bottom, thru which the refined liquid passed.  The flavoring was drawn from fruits, such as lemons or strawberries, by soaking them in alcohol before percolation.  Because percolation was a difficult process for smaller bottlers, many supply houses produced and retailed flavoring extracts to the industry.

Most bottlers offered the red, white, black, and brown lines – strawberry, lemon, sarsaparilla, and cream soda, with strawberry being the consumers’ favorite.  Bottlers usually produced these four mainstays, a couple of exotic flavors, and ginger ale.  Late in the nineteenth century more extracts became available, allowing bottlers to offer customers a wider variety of flavored sodas. 

These Hutchinson extract-related helpful hints are from The Bottler’s Helper, a 1907 publication by the Blumenthal Brothers, a major supplier of extracts located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:


By O. S. Kelly, Milan Bottling Works, Milan, Mo.

Do not try to make your own Extracts, unless you have an extraordinarily large business.  My experience along this line is unlimited, and I find that you are up against a hard proposition when you try to run a factory and keep in line with other good concerns that buy regularly from good reliable extract manufacturers that are constantly making great improvements on their line of products.

The time and labor I have spent in working on Extracts I am sure has not paid me.  I took up the study of flavoring chemistry under an expert who had 15 years in that line of work, and kept him until I could turn out any flavor that was on the market.  I think what I say on this subject is worthy of consideration.  I have visited a few factories where the proprietor of the concern was making his own Extracts, and I found on sampling the goods made from them that they were a complete failure, yet he was under the impression that they were as fine as could be made.  In fact, they were not fit to drink.  Buy your Extracts from a good reliable house, one that makes good goods and stay with them.  Do not be constantly changing.



By Delta Bottling Works, Yazoo City, Miss.

Take a small wire, stick one through the center of the cork endwise, make the wire into a spiral coil by encircling it around your lead pencil.  Tie the other end of your wire around the neck of the bottle.  This little device will not only keep your cork from getting lost, but the spring on the coil will hold it out of your way when not in use.  With a little ingenuity this little device can be made ornamental.